
吕国栋 新聞中心评论6,993字数 2024阅读6分44秒阅读模式

大会主题为“科技赋能未来 创新引领发展”,包括开幕式、全体会议、成果发布、主题论坛等活动。大会将以线上线下相结合的形式开展,邀请国内外政府职能部门、国际组织、全球科技领域学术界和企业界代表参加,围绕科技创新推动全球可持续发展、数字贸易、智能制造、信息通信、自动驾驶、数字健康、青少年教育等领域的全球前沿技术、热点科技话题展开讨论。

2022 GFSTICC Will Be Held On June 28th to 29th
In order to fully implement the innovation-driven development strategy, promote international exchanges of science and technology enterprises, and further build broad consensus of the international community on strengthening science and technology cooperation and sharing innovation outcomes, the 2022 Global Future Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Conference (the Conference for short) will be co-hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Association for Science and Technology, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Beijing Municipal People's Government, and United Nations Industrial Development Organization and co-organized by World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO), the American Chamber of Commerce in China, China-Britain Business Council, Korea-China Science and Technology and Culture Promotion Association, and College of Future Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing from June 28 to 29.
With the theme of “Technology Empowers the Future, Innovation Leads Development”, the Conference includes the opening ceremony, plenary session, results release, theme forum and other activities. Being held both online and offline, the Conference will invite representatives from domestic and foreign government departments, international organizations, global science and technology academia and business communities to discuss and release results on cutting-edge technologies and hot scientific and technological topics such as promoting global sustainable development through scientific and technological innovation, digital trade, intelligent manufacturing, information communication, autonomous driving, digital health and teenager education.

广东江门:侨乡国庆“侨味浓” 中國新聞


海内外欢聚侨都:侨乡国庆“侨味浓” 中国记录通讯社广东江门消息:2024年10月1日,国庆节,“中国第一侨乡”江门市举办2024年中国侨都文化互鉴•同心筑梦嘉年华暨大湾区蔡李佛“龙腾盛世 狮舞中华”贺...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
